Eagle Ridge Road

New Generation Of Candy Bar Pie Markers

. Monday, November 2, 2020 .

 Thanks to Adi and Jase sharing their candy and Ali dropping off an unopened bag of candy we made one of the best Candy Bar Pies on record today while the boys were napping.

It was a team effort.  We had candy openers, candy cutters, edge crimpers, pie watchers, and of course pie eaters.

My first time trying to make a pie look pretty.

The kitchen smelled like a chocolate factory.

The finished product cooling on the stove.  

Everyone got to take home a small piece.  Not because I am stingy...a piece of candy bar pie goes a LONGGGGGG way.  

Good job girls!

 Thanks to Adi and Jase sharing their candy and Ali dropping off an unopened bag of candy we made one of the best Candy Bar Pies on record today while the boys were napping.

It was a team effort.  We had candy openers, candy cutters, edge crimpers, pie watchers, and of course pie eaters.

My first time trying to make a pie look pretty.

The kitchen smelled like a chocolate factory.

The finished product cooling on the stove.  

Everyone got to take home a small piece.  Not because I am stingy...a piece of candy bar pie goes a LONGGGGGG way.  

Good job girls!

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