. Monday, August 13, 2012 .
Emmy was in charge of our eating establishments on our World's Largest Yard Sale Adventure.  She doesn't like to eat at chain restaurants...always an adventure with her that's for sure.  We looked and looked for a place to stop.  Good thing we have Betsy and all of her snacks with us or we would have starved.  She literally had everything known to man...we were going to live for weeks if we had been stranded along the way.  Betsy went in and got a menu so we could check it out!

This place was packed!  So it must be good!  I didn't quite make the cut or the Senior Menu.

We were all so hungry that I almost missed getting any shots of the food.

Nothing better than a good fried bologna sandwich with mustard on fresh white bread.

But I will have to say that Betsy's lunch looked the best and was the best!  That's what I am getting next year for sure.

Exit 62 Restuarant and Truck Stop